Broughel, James. 2022. “The Regulatory Budget in Theory and Practice: Lessons from the U.S. States” Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 45.1(1): 11-42.
Broughel, James. 2022. “Allowing Compounding Pharmacies to Address Drug Shortages.” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding 26(2): 100-109.
Broughel, James and Robert Hahn. 2022. “The Impact of Economic Regulation on Growth: Survey and Synthesis.” Regulation & Governance 16(2): 448-469.
Broughel, James and Dustin Chambers. 2022. Federal Regulation and Mortality in the 50 States. Risk Analysis 42(3): 592-613.
Broughel, James. 2021. Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Potential Solution to Market Failure and Government Failure. Economic Affairs 41(2): 241-51.
Bailey, James, James Broughel and Patrick McLaughlin. (2021). Larger Polities are More Regulated. Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 36(2): 233-243.
Broughel, James and Michael Kotrous. 2021. The Benefits of Coronavirus Suppression: A Cost-benefit Analysis of the Response to the First Wave of COVID-19 in the United States. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252729.
Broughel, James and Michael Kotrous. 2021. The Benefits of Coronavirus Suppression: A Cost-benefit Analysis of the Response to the First Wave of COVID-19 in the United States. Covid Economics 67: 128-171.
Broughel, James. 2021. “The Unlikely Story of American Regulatory Socialism.” Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 24(1): 147-65.
Broughel, James and W. Kip Viscusi. 2021. “The Mortality Cost of Expenditures.” Contemporary Economic Policy 39(1): 156–67.
Broughel, James. 2020. “Cost-Benefit Analysis as a Failure to Learn from the Past.” The Journal of Private Enterprise (35)1: 105-113.
Broughel, James. 2019. “The Mighty Waves of Regulatory Reform: Regulatory Budgets and the Future of Cost-Benefit Analysis.” Business, Entrepreneurship & Tax Law Review (3)2: 206-223.
Broughel, James. 2018. Book Review of Pricing Lives: Guideposts for a Safer Society. Independent Review (online edition).
Broughel, James. 2015. “What the United States Can Learn from the European Commission’s Better Regulation Initiative.” European Journal of Risk Regulation (6)3: 380-381.
Graham, John D. and James Broughel. 2014. “Stealth Regulation: Addressing Agency Evasion of OIRA and the Administrative Procedure Act.” Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy: Federalist Edition (1)1: 30-54.